The primary harmonic elimination damper, such as LxQ damper, is actually a non-linear harmonic elimination resistance R. It is connected in series between the neutral point of the primary side of the voltage transformer and the ground. It uses the neutral point damping resistance to eliminate the resonance. When the power grid is in normal operation, the voltage on the harmonic eliminator is less than 500V. It has high resistance (up to several hundred kOhms), large damping effect, which makes resonance difficult to develop inxuzhisu.07858.net shilayou.07858.net fangtingyou.07858.netdaoreyou.07858.nethaerbin.89ix.comhuhehaote.89ix.com the initial stage; when single-phase grounding occurs in power grid, the upper voltage of harmonic eliminator is higher (about 1.7-1.8 kV in 10kV power grid), and R0 is low (tens of kOhms), which can meet the insulation monitoring requirements of TV open triangle voltage not less than 80V, and still can damp resonance; when arc grounding occurs in power grid, R0 can maintain a certain resistance. Value, limit the inrush current of transformer.