零序电流互感器的作用 |
添加时间:2017/9/21 14:59:40 浏览次数: |
作用:当电路中发生触电或漏电故障时,保护动作,切断电源。 使用:可在三相线路上各装一个电流互感器,或让三相导线一起穿过一零序电流互感器,也可在中性线N上安装一个零序电流互感器,利用其来检测三相的电流矢量和。 在三相四线电路中,三相电流的相量和等于零,即Ia+Ib+IC=0。如果在三相四线中接入一个电流互感器,这时感应电流为零。当电路中发生触电或漏电故障时,回路中有漏电电流流过,这时穿过互感器的三相电流相量和不等零,其相量和为:Ia+Ib+Ic=I(漏电电流),这样互感器二次线圈中就有一个感应电压,此电压加于检测部分的电子放大电路,与保护区装置预定动作电流值相比较,如大于动作电流,即使灵敏继电器动作,作用于执行元件掉闸。这里所接的互感器称为零序电流互感器,三相电流的相量和不等于零,所产生的电流即为零序电流。
Role: when the circuit occurs electric shock or leakage fault, protection action, cut off the power supply. Use: in the three-phase line are respectively provided with a current transformer, or let the conductor through a three-phase zero sequence current transformer, also can install a current transformer in the neutral line N, using the detected current and phase vector. In a three-phase four wire circuit, the phasor of the three-phase current is equal to zero, that is, Ia+Ib+IC=0. If a current transformer is connected to the three-phase four wire, the induced current is zero. When the electric shock or leakage fault in the circuit, a leakage current flowing through the loop, then through the three-phase current transformer phase and the phase ranging from zero, and the amount of: Ia+Ib+Ic=I (current transformer), so the two coils have an induction voltage, the voltage on the part of the electronic detection the amplifying circuit, and protection device with predetermined compared action current value, such as greater than the current action, even if the sensitive relay action, acting on the actuator switch off. The mutual inductor is called zero sequence current transformer, and the phase current of the three-phase current is not equal to zero, and the current produced is zero sequence current. |
上一页 零序电流互感器和电流互感器的区别 |
下一页 温湿度传感器的选型注意事项 |