一次消谐装置原理 |
添加时间:2018/1/6 16:45:45 浏览次数: |
消谐装置其本质是一种高容量非线性电阻器,起阻尼与限流的作用。可以起到良好的限制电压互感器铁磁谐振的效果。 如果6~35kV电网中性点不接地,母线上Y0接线的PT一次绕组,成为该电网对地唯一金属性通道。电网对地电容通过PT一次绕组有一个充放电的过渡过程。试验测得此时常常有最高幅值达数安培的工频半波涌流通过PT,此电流有可能将PT高压熔丝熔断。而安装了消谐器后,这种涌流将得到有效抑制,高压熔丝不再因为这种涌流而熔断。
The essence of the harmonic elimination device is a kind of high capacity nonlinear resistor, which plays the role of damping and current limiting. It can effectively limit the effect of ferromagnetic resonance of the voltage transformer. If the neutral point of the 6 ~ 35kV power grid is not grounded, the PT primary winding of the Y0 wiring on the bus is the only metal channel for the power grid. There is a charge discharge transition process for the ground capacitance of the power grid through the PT primary winding. The test results show that the power frequency half wave current with the highest amplitude of amperes at this time passes through PT, and this current may fuse the PT high pressure fuse. When the detuner is installed, the inrush will be effectively suppressed, and the high pressure fuse is no longer broken by the inrush. |
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