零序电流互感器安装 |
添加时间:2018/8/8 15:10:24 浏览次数: |
零序电流互感器安装 Zero sequence current transformer installation ·整体式互感器安装要在敷设电缆前进行,电缆敷设时穿过互感器。 The installation of integral transformers should be carried out before laying cables, and when the cables are laid, they will pass through transformers. ·开口式互感器不受电缆敷设与否的限制,具体方法如下: The open type mutual inductor is not restricted by cable laying. (1)拆下互感器“K1ˊ”、“K2ˊ”的联接压片(圆形互感器无此项要求)。 (1) remove the connection of the transformer "K1" and "K2". (2)将互感器顶部两个内六角螺栓松开拆下(圆形互感器是将两侧的紧固螺丝松开拆下),互感器便分为两部分。 (2) the six angle bolts in the top two of the transformer are loosened and dismantled (the circular transformer is loosened and disassembled on both sides), and the transformer is divided into two parts. (3)把互感器套在电缆上,将接触面擦干净,薄薄涂上一层防锈油,对好互感器两部分后拧上内六角螺栓(两侧的紧固螺丝),互感器两部分要对齐以免影响性能。 (3) the transformer is placed on the cable, the contact surface is cleaned, a thin layer of antirust oil is coated thin, the six angle bolts (fastening screws on both sides) are twisted on the two part of the good transformer, and the two part of the transformer should be aligned to avoid the influence of performance. (4)将联接片固定在“K1ˊ”、“K2ˊ”上(圆形互感器无此项要求)。 (4) fix the connecting piece on "K1" and "K2" (no requirement for circular transformer). (5)内孔﹥120mm的互感器如水平安装时,请加非导磁支架。 (5) if the inner hole > 120mm transformer is installed horizontally, please add a non magnetic guide bracket. |
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