如何实现温湿度测控 |
添加时间:2019/3/1 14:54:37 浏览次数: |
主要功能: Main functions: 温湿度测控仪表集合温度控制仪和湿度控制仪功能,适用于对空气温湿度测量和控制。仪表可根据生产中对温湿度的要求,设定温湿度范围值,并根据设定的范围值,随时调控外接设备。 Temperature and humidity measurement and control instruments set the functions of temperature controller and humidity controller, which are suitable for the measurement and control of air temperature and humidity. The instrument can set the range value of temperature and humidity according to the requirement of temperature and humidity in production, and adjust the external equipment at any time according to the set range value. 温湿度测控有硬件和软件: There are hardware and software for temperature and humidity measurement and control. 系统软件设计 System Software Design 系统软件主要任务包括:设置、修改、显示仪表的参数;检测、计算、显示温度、湿度等参数;温、湿度状态指示及报警输出;定时存储各种检测及运算参数。系统软件采用c语言和汇编语言混合编写、模块化结构和程序调用的方法。一般的嵌入式软件系统的设计都是采用前后台式的设计方法。 The main tasks of the system software include setting, modifying and displaying the parameters of the instrument, measuring, calculating, displaying temperature and humidity, indicating temperature and humidity status and alarm output, and storing various detection and operation parameters regularly. The system software is compiled by C language and assembly language, modularized structure and program call method. Generally, the design of embedded software system is based on front-end and back-end design methods. 主程序设计 Main Programming 按温湿度测控系统所要求实现的功能,将整个系统划分为并行存在的任务层和中断程序。系统中并行存在的几个任务按优先级从高到低依次是:系统监视任务、数据采集任务、数据处理任务、数据输出任务、显示任务。温湿度测控系统主程序流程图。 According to the functions of temperature and humidity measurement and control system, the whole system is divided into parallel task layer and interrupt program. Several parallel tasks in the system are in order of priority from high to low: system monitoring task, data acquisition task, data processing task, data output task and display task. Main program flow chart of temperature and humidity measurement and control system. 中断发生时,系统将强行剥夺运行态任务cpu的使用权,将它转入中断态保存相关数据到堆栈区之后,执行中断服务程序。在中断返回后,系统返回函数将重新进行任务调度, When an interrupt occurs, the system will forcibly deprive the CPU of the running task, transfer it to the interrupt state to save the relevant data to the stack area, and execute the interrupt service program. After the interrupt returns, the system return function reschedules the task. 数据采集程序设计 Data Acquisition Programming 数据采集a/d转换主程序和外部中断0服务程序。 Data acquisition a/d conversion main program and external interrupt 0 service program. 硬件方面: Hardware: 高精度A/D转换器进行采样,应与各类传感器、变送器配合使用实现对各种现场的重量测量、测控、数据采集、实时打印通过组态软件在电脑上进行实时监测、生成报表、联机打印等功能。 High-precision A/D converter should be used in conjunction with various sensors and transmitters to realize the functions of weight measurement, measurement and control, data acquisition, real-time printing on computer through configuration software, real-time monitoring, report generation and online printing. 温湿度控制器的温度系数 Temperature Coefficient of Temperature and Humidity Controller 湿敏元件除对环境湿度敏感外,对温度亦十分敏感,而且有的湿敏元件在不同的相对湿度下,其温度系数又有差别。温漂非线性,温湿度控制器温漂曲线的线性化直接影响到补偿的效果,只有采用硬件温度跟随性补偿才会获得真实的补偿效果。温湿度控制器工作的温度范围也是重要参数。多数湿敏元件难以在40℃以上正常工作。 Besides being sensitive to environmental humidity, humidity sensors are also very sensitive to temperature, and some humidity sensors have different temperature coefficients under different www.omrongz.com.cnwww.westpump.com.cnwww.etour.com.cnwww.leierda88.cnwww.kskeber.cn www.cclyw.cnrelative humidity. Temperature drift is non-linear. The linearization of temperature drift curve of temperature and humidity controller directly affects the compensation effect. Only the hardware temperature follow compensation can achieve real compensation effect. The temperature range of the temperature and humidity controller is also an important parameter. Most humidity sensors are difficult to work normally above 40 C. |
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