温度和湿度是衡量猪舍环境状况的两个重要指标 |
添加时间:2019/12/18 16:36:30 浏览次数: |
温度和湿度是衡量猪舍环境状况的两个重要指标,因此冬季的猪舍环境控制主要就是保持温湿度在适宜猪群生长的区间内。 Temperature and humidity are two important indexes to measure the environmental condition of pigsty. Therefore, the environmental control of pigsty in winter is mainly to keep the temperature and humidity within the range suitable for the growth of pigsty. 提高猪舍温度。适宜猪生长的温度区间为14℃~23℃,正常生长的下限为8℃。我国冬季温度普遍较低,猪舍内温度也会随之下降。这会对猪群造成严重冷刺激,使猪各项生理机能下降。尤其对于仔猪来讲,影响更甚,会使腹泻病情加重,死亡率上升。除了生理应激导致机能下降这一不利影响,环境温度的下降也会迫使猪只通过提高采食量,增加机体代谢产热,以维持体温。但这样会造成饲料转化率降低,影响养殖效益。 Raise the temperature of the pigsty. The temperature range suitable for pig growth is 14 ℃ ~ 23 ℃, and the lower limit of normal growth is 8 ℃. In China, the temperature is generally low in winter, and the temperature in the pigsty will decrease accordingly. This will cause severe cold stimulation to the pig population and reduce the physiological functions of the pig. Especially for piglets, the effect is more serious, which will aggravate diarrhea and increase mortality. In addition to the adverse effect of physiological stress on the decline of function, the decrease of ambient temperature will also force pigs to maintain body temperature by increasing the intake and metabolism of heat. However, this will reduce the feed conversion rate and affect the breeding efficiency. |
上一页 智能型温湿度控制器自动启动风扇或加热器 |
下一页 该装置可根据用户的要求配置以消除铁磁谐振 |