常见的塑料外壳材质 |
添加时间:2022/2/13 21:26:09 浏览次数: |
目前常见的塑料外壳材质有工程塑料ABS及聚碳酸酯PC等,金属材质则是像锌合金、镁铝合金等。这些材料的原材料生产工艺都已相当成熟, At present, the common plastic shell materials are engineering plastics ABS and polycarbonate PC, while the metal materials are zinc alloy, magnesium aluminum alloy, etc. The raw material production process of these materials has been quite mature, 在大批量采购背景下,均摊到每部产品上的原材料成本没有多大,不并是每部产品最终定价的主要原因。对厂商来说的成本增加其实主要在于制作工艺以及产品的良品率。 In the context of mass procurement, the cost of raw materials shared equally among each product is not large, which is not the main reason for the final pricing of each product. In fact, the increase in the production cost and the yield of products for manufacturers. |
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