温室自动温湿度控制系统中现场线路的设计由于温室内湿度较大 |
添加时间:2022/4/13 16:11:37 浏览次数: |
温室自动温湿度控制系统中现场线路的设计由于温室内湿度较大,其对现场设备与线路都有着一定的影响。因此,在进行现场线路设计时,应考虑线路的走向与环境需求。 The design of field circuit in greenhouse automatic temperature and humidity control system has certain influence on field equipment and circuit because of the high humidity in greenhouse. Therefore, in the field circuit design, the route direction and environmental requirements should be taken into account. 通过科学的现场线路设计,确保传感器传输信号以及中央控制器控制信号的有效传达。在进行线路设计中,应注重线路走向的科学性,避免线路繁杂造成的后期检修困难。 Through scientific field circuit design, the effective transmission of sensor transmission signal and control signal of central controller is ensured. In line design, we should pay attention to the scientificity of line direction and avoid the difficulty of later maintenance caused by complicated lines |
上一页 控温器务必保持稳定的技术性情况 |
下一页 温室自动温湿度控制系统中 |