数字式温湿度控制器 |
添加时间:2022/6/6 16:05:06 浏览次数: |
数字式温湿度控制器是测量控制局部环境温度和湿度的设备,是为电力设备柜体内部进行控温、除湿、防凝露而设计的一种专用仪器。它可以同时采集温度、湿度信号,根据电力设备的控温、除湿要求,用数字设定控温、控湿范围。从而无论在严冬、酷暑、阴雨季节等复杂多变的气候环境中都能有效地保护电力设备,使电力设备安全地运行。产品特点 Digital temperature and humidity controller is a device for measuring and controlling local environmental temperature and humidity. It is a special instrument designed to control temperature, dehumidify and prevent condensation in the cabinet of power equipment. It can collect temperature and humidity signals at the same time. According to the requirements of temperature control and dehumidification of power equipment, the range of temperature control and humidity control can be set by digital. Therefore, the electric power equipment can be effectively protected in the complex and changeable climatic environment such as severe winter, hot summer, rainy season and so on, so that the electric power equipment can operate safely. Product characteristics 遵循国家电网标准; Following the national grid standards; 采用OLED/LED实时显示温度和相对湿度,环境情况一目了然; OLED / LED is used to display temperature and relative humidity in real time, and the environment is clear at a glance. 采用高集成表贴、宽范围元器件,产品支持-40℃至70℃现场运行; With high integrated surface mounting and wide range components, the product supports on-site operation from - 40 ~70 ~C. 卓越的长期稳定性,超长的信号传输距离; Excellent long-term stability, long signal transmission distance; 自检功能强大,实时监视装置的硬件电路和软件的执行情况,具有看门狗功能和断线自检功能; The self-inspection function is powerful. The hardware circuit and software implementation of the real-time monitoring device have the functions of watchdog and disconnection self-inspection. 可通过数字量输出(RS485类Modbus规约)与外围系统通信; It can communicate with peripheral system through digital output (RS485 Modbus protocol). 数据采集、处理、显示实现全数字化,系统抗干扰性能强; Data acquisition, processing and display are all digitized, and the anti-jamming performance of the system is strong. 产品可在强电场、强磁场环境中正常工作; The product can work normally in the environment of strong electric field and magnetic field. 产品支持在线检测加热器、风扇负载状态,并提供报警接点。 Products support online detection of heater, fan load status, and provide alarm contacts. |
上一页 目前常见的塑料外壳材 |
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