金属材质从重量高 |
添加时间:2022/8/13 14:21:25 浏览次数: |
很多笔记本都采用金属的、碳纤维的等等材质作为外壳材料。甚至还有用竹子做笔记本外壳材料的。之所以采用塑料的较多, Many notebooks use metal, carbon fiber and other materials as shell materials. There are even notebook cases made of bamboo. The reason why more plastics are used, 主要有以下几个原因: 1)塑料材质可以满足大部分笔记本需求的强度要求,其实部分塑料的强度甚至可以远远大于常见金属,耐高温性、弯折强度、重量都不差于金属,所以塑料任然是笔记本电脑理想的外壳材质。 The main reasons are as follows: 1) plastic material can meet the strength requirements of most notebooks. In fact, the strength of some plastics can even be much higher than that of common metals. High temperature resistance, bending strength and weight are no worse than metals, so plastic is still the ideal shell material of notebook computers. 2)塑料开模,良品率,生产效率等等方面要远强于其他材质,如果放弃塑料做外壳材质,现在的笔记本价格从3-4K已下载飙升到5-6K,你能接受吗? 2) Plastic mold opening, yield and production efficiency are much better than other materials. If you give up plastic as shell material, the current notebook price has soared from 3-4k to 5-6k. Can you accept it? 3)金属材质从重量高,不绝缘(另需要加强绝缘),抗变形性差,良品率一直不高,导致只有极端需求的笔记本才会考虑使用金属材质。 4)碳纤维材质不能形成复杂的笔记本部件,难以制造精度高和新型设备,所以碳纤维材质只能应用在构造简单的A、D壳上,其它应用不多。 不要被厂商的宣传所迷惑,塑料材质是很优良的材质,可以满足需求,如果有钱可以考虑其他材质的笔记本电脑。 3) Metal materials have high weight, no insulation (in addition, insulation needs to be strengthened), poor deformation resistance and low yield. As a result, only notebooks with extreme demand will consider using metal materials. 4) Carbon fiber material can not form complex notebook parts, and it is difficult to manufacture high-precision and new equipment. Therefore, carbon fiber material can only be used in a and D shells with simple structure, and there are few other applications. Don't be confused by the manufacturer's publicity. Plastic material is a very good material, which can meet the demand. If you have money, you can consider laptops of other materials. |
上一页 传统式的报警器封号 |
下一页 碳纤维的等等材质作为外壳材料 |