机房超温会有什么危害? |
添加时间:2019/11/12 10:58:19 浏览次数: |
机房超温会有什么危害? What is the harm of over temperature in the computer room? 据统计,在基准温度情况下,温度每升高10℃计算机的可靠性就下降25%。 According to statistics, in the case of reference temperature, the reliability of the computer will decrease by 25% for every 10 ℃ rise in temperature. 1、磁盘磁带会因热涨效应造成记录错误。 1. The recording error of the disk tape will be caused by the thermal expansion effect. 2、计算机的时钟主频在温度过高都会降低。 2. The main frequency of the computer clock will decrease when the temperature is too high. 3、UPS配置的铅酸密封免维护电池在高温情况下,使用寿命会急剧下降。 3. The service life of the lead-acid sealed maintenance free battery equipped with ups will drop sharply under high temperature. 出现上述情况如果不能及时处理,将会可能造成机器损坏、数据丢失甚至引起电源短路、火灾等事故。 If the above situation cannot be handled in time, it may cause machine damage, data loss or even cause power short circuit, fire and other accidents. |
上一页 根据电力设备的控温、除湿要求,用数字设定控温 |
下一页 湿度控制表有着举足轻重的作用 |