根据电力设备的控温、除湿要求,用数字设定控温 |
添加时间:2019/11/20 15:09:53 浏览次数: |
数字式温湿度控制器是测量控制局部环境温度和湿度的设备,是为电力设备柜体内部进行控温、除湿、防凝露而设计的一种专用仪器。它可以同时采集温度、湿度信号,根据电力设备的控温、除湿要求,用数字设定控温、控湿范围。从而无论在严冬、酷暑、阴雨季节等复杂多变的气候环境中都能有效地保护电力设备,使电力设备安全地运行。 Digital temperature and humidity controller is a device for measuring and controlling local ambient temperature and humidity. It is a special instrument designed for controlling temperature, dehumidification and preventing condensation inside the power equipment cabinet. It can collect temperature and humidity signals at the same time. According to the requirements of temperature control and dehumidification of electric equipment, the range of temperature control and humidity control can be set by digital. Therefore, it can effectively protect the power equipment and make the power equipment run safely in the complex and changeable climate environment such as severe winter, hot summer, rainy season and so on. |
上一页 是一种适合于各个行业和领域的温湿度测量控制仪表 |
下一页 机房超温会有什么危害? |